Friday, May 11, 2007

Coming Attractions: Mice Parade

On Adam Pierce's 7th full length record under the moniker Mice Parade, he finds himself surrounded by an array of talented musicians and friends. The FatCat recording artist holed himself up in his brand new Bear Mountain home recording studio, and this self-titled album -released last Tuesday- is the studio testing results. He has a list of fellow FatCat musicians as contributors and Laetitia Sadier of Stereolab is featured on this song called, "Tales of Las Negras." Mice Parade will be playing the Echo on June 7th. According to the FatCat site, "the lineup of the touring band includes two drumkits, both nylon and electric guitars, vibraphones, keyboards, and whatever or whomever else is available."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the drums in this song are sick